- The Sisal plant has a shallow root system, maximum 60cm deep
- The roots develop mainly horizontally and form suckers, which can be used
for propagation
- The base of the plant consists of a short trunk, about 30cm x 150cm.
- The leaves are spirally arranged around the trunk.
- The growth point is situated on top of the trunk from where the leaves
develop and eventually the flower stalk.
- The leaves of the plant consist of 3 % fibre.
- The sisal plant flowers only once and that is at an age of about 12 years.
- Before flowering a flower stalk of 4.5 to 6.0 meter develops from the growth
- The flower stalk subdivides to form branches that bear the flowers.
- The flowers do not produce seed, but form bulbills, which are used for
- The bulbills are place in beds 10cm x 10cm apart where they grow for six
months. After that they go to secondary beds where they are placed 30cm x 30cm
apart. After another six months they are planted in the field in a tram track
fashion. Distances between rows should be 1.0 to 1.5 meter and 4.0 meter.
- From its fifth year the leaves are ready for harvesting.
- The following fibre production can be expected:
Year 5: 0.25t/ha
Year 6: 0.5 t/ha
Year 7: 1.0 t/ha
Year 8: 1.5 t/ha
Year 9: 0.75 t/ha
Year 10: 0.75 t/ha
Year 11: 0.25 t/ha
Year 12: low
- Only ripe leaves must be harvested. It is ripe as soon as the colour of the
thorn at the tip changes from dark brown to a light brown colour.
- After 12 years selected leaves might be harvested
- The plant must always be left with at least 35 leaves.
- The harvested leaves go through automatic decorticater to obtain the fibre.
After that it is cleaned by mechanical brushers and then dried on drying lines.
- Fiber is classified according to length:
- Grade 3 L, at least 915mm,
without knots and cream to a light straw colour
- Grade 3, at least
- Grade UG, darker colour fibres
- Grade PM, shorter than 610mm with
knots and darker colours
- The production areas are the Northern Province (Potgietersrus, Pietersburg,
Giyani, Mhinga and the Phalaborwa corridor) and KwaZulu-Natal (Hluhluwe,
Mtubatuba and Port Shepstone)
- The plants are not frost tolerant and produce the best in areas with an
annual rainfall of 500mm and higher
- It is not soil specific, but do the best on a loamy soil.
- The fibres are used for cards and carpets, car upholstery and plasterboards.
- Local people use the flower stalks for construction purposes. It has a
lifespan of six years.
- Bird breeders use the hollow trunks of the plant for