The Gene and gene constructs genebank currently consists of 157 genes that are cloned into plasmid vectors.  Some of these plasmids have been transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens for use during plant transformation procedures.  These constructs are preserved at -70°C and are rejuvenated when required.  The ARC VOP has collections of some mutant seeds such as Amaranthus, cowpea and Bambara groundnut.  Many breeding programs also include induced mutations with either or both physical and chemical mutagens and focus on the improvement of traits such as high yield, multiple resistance to major disease, insect pests and tolerance to abiotic stresses and improved quality.  Mutation breeding is a means of accelerating the process of developing different traits for selection, such as disease resistance, tolerance to harsh growing environments and other valuable agronomic traits such as yield and yield related traits.  It does not involve gene modification, also known as gene splicing.  Mutation breeding uses a plant’s own genetic resources mimicking the process of spontaneous mutations that occur in nature all the time and forms the basis of evolution resulting in broadening of biodiversity.  During the last few years, ARC researchers have used different gene constructs to develop cultivars for resistance to virus, potato tuber moth and drought.  Transformation of genes of interest from one plant to another plant depends on this gene constructs.  Mutation breeding ensures sustainability of agriculture under climate change and variability conditions, while increasing and diversifying crop production systems, through the development and application of different techniques.  Normal breeding involves cross breeding, from the parents, through a multi-generational process that may take seven to eight years to eliminate an unwanted genome (trait) and develop the sought-after traits before trial crops are tested, adding more time.  Mutation breeding is based on selfing mutants until the induced character has a stable expression in the advanced mutant generations.  It is difficult to determine the value of the genetic potential of the gene construct, however, the maintenance of gene and gene constructs will result in conservation and use of valuable genetic resources, and will have a positive effect on research, technology development and transfer in the South Africa. Gene constructs facilitates germplasm characterization and utilization.  The generation of new agrobacterium constructs/cells for the traits of interest to be used to produce transgenic plants which supplies the genetic materials to biotechnology related research projects for utilization.  Mutation breeding works on seeds, cuttings, or the shredded leaf of a plant (tissue) are irradiated.  The irradiated material is either planted or cultivated in a sterile rooting medium and individual plants picked out, and examined for their traits in the shortest possible time.  Mutation breeding is a means of accelerating the process of developing different traits for selection, such as disease resistance, tolerance to harsh growing environments and other valuable agronomic traits such as yield and yield related traits.  It does not involve gene modification, also known as gene splicing.

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