DeanOelofse.png Dr Dean Oelofse
Research Team Manager

Tel: +27 (0)12 808 8000
LorraineDube.png Ms Lorraine Dube
Office Administrator

Tel: +27 (0)12 808 8000


Dr Diedrich Visser
Tel: +27 (0)12 808 8000

Research focus: Vegetable pest entomologist

I am an entomologist, specializing in vegetable ​pests. My current projects include the potential of Tuta absoluta as a potato pests, and investigations into control strategies of the potato leafminer.

MArietteTrutor.png Dr Mariette Truter
Senior Researcher

Tel: +27 (0)12 808 8281

Research focus: Characterisation and identification of fungal phytopathogens of vegetables, medicinal and ornamental plants.

I am a plant pathologist specializing in Mycology. My current research interests include the characterisation and identification of fungal phytopathogens of vegetables, medicinal and ornamental plants. My research on soil-borne pathogens includes diseases on potato (potato rhizostonasis  and corky cracks) ; and Fusarium wilt  of sweet potato.  My research on foliar diseases mainly focused on Alternaria, such as early blight of potato and Alternaria blight of sweet potato , but more in general on carrot, tomato, onion, Swiss chard and African leafy vegetables. I’m also involved with investigations of mycoflora of cowpea seed and medicinal plant products. 


Dr René Sutherland

Tel: +27 (0)12 808 800

Research focus: Bacterial and fungal diseases of vegetables

I am a plant pathologist specializing in bacteriology. My current research interests include the investigation of bacterial wilt of potatoes and scab diseases of potatoes caused by Streptomyces species. Other projects include the discovery of PGPR on sweet potato and investigation of fungal leaf diseases of potatoes.

KgaboPofu.jpg Dr Kgabo Pofu

Tel: +27 (0)12 808 800

Research focus: Plant parasitic nematodes in crop production

I am a plant nematologist involved in potato, sweet potato, African Leafy Vegetables, medicinal plants, etc. The research interests are on screening for nematode resistance and developing integrated nematode management strategies for sustainable potato and sweet potato production.

JuliaM.jpg Dr Julia Mulabisana

Tel: +27 (0)12 808 8357

Research focus: Identification and genetic characterization of viruses of vegetables

I am a plant virologist involved in potato and sweet potato virus research, and the diagnostic of viruses of vegetables and ornamentals. The research interests are on the genetic characterization, diagnostics and technology transfer. The work contribute to the development of management strategies to control and minimize the spread of viral diseases.


Dr Elsie Cruywagen
Tel: +27 (0)12 808 800

Research focus: Identification and characterisation of fungal pathogens of vegetable and ornamental plants

I am a plant pathologist specializing in Mycology. My current research interests include the investigation of fungal leaf diseases of potatoes, particularly Alternaria species, as well as fungal diseases of indigenous African vegetables. I am also involved with investigation of scab diseases of potatoes caused by Streptomyces species.


​Mr Kenneth Mabasa

Tel: +27 (0)12 808 800

Research focus: Viral diseases of vegetables

I am a plant pathologist specializing in virus diseases of vegetable crops. Research interests include the investigation of virus diseases of vegetables, as well indigenous African vegetables.