>> Archive of 2018 Aphid numbers
This data shows aphid numbers up to week 43. Trap samples are collected at the beginning of the week and are then sent to a laboratory where the aphids are sorted, identified and counted. All aphids shown in these graphs are able to transmit Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. The sensitive period for the wheat crop in Winterton is indicated by the red line on the x axis of each graph which is shown in weeks. Aphid numbers above 100 could indicate possible problems for the specific area.

This data shows aphid numbers up to week 42. Trap samples are collected at the beginning of the week and are then sent to a laboratory where the aphids are sorted, identified and counted. All aphids shown in these graphs are able to transmit Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. The sensitive period for the wheat crop in Brits is indicated by the red line on the x axis of each graph which is shown in weeks. Aphid numbers above 100 could indicate possible problems for the specific area.

This data shows aphid numbers up to
week 40. Trapping was started during week 36. Trap samples are collected at the
beginning of the week and are then sent to a laboratory where the
aphids are sorted, identified and counted. All aphids shown in
these graphs are able to transmit Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Aphid
numbers above 100 could indicate possible problems for the specific
area, while an illustrative vector pressure of more than 100 could cause
serious virus transmission during the wheat growing season.

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