Specimen identification and information service
The Nematology Unit is backed by a comprehensive collection of literature, an electronic database (SAPPNS database) and the National Collection of Nematodes (NCN). All this data helps to provide a very important information service to farmers and both the local and international scientific community. Approximately 10 000 specimens are identified annually.
identification of nematodes to species level
specialised biosystematic and other information on nematodes
information on the biogeography of nematodes
analyses of soil, water and plant samples for the presence ofplant nematodes Nematode analysis form
courses on the extraction, detection, taxonomy and identification of plant nematodes for local and foreign scientists
informal lectures for farmers (commercial and resource poor agriculture)
The following Manual was published with Drs Swart and Marais as editors: The Kleynhans Manual. COLLECTING AND PRESERVING NEMATODES. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. 16. 2017. Edited by A. Swart and M. Marais. ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X134, Queenswood, 0121 South Africa. 60 pp.
The content of this manual is broadly based on the SAFRINET manual published in 1997, authored by Dr K.P.N. Kleynhans. The book is aimed at teaching students, commercial and emerging farmers, and extension officers to recognise the major groups of plant parasitic nematodes as well as the damage symptoms that they cause on different crops. Current techniques for extracting, detecting and handling nematodes, preserving techniques as well as nematode control are also included. A glossary on the meaning of often-used nematological terms and a list of recommended reading end the book. To order this book contact Antoinette Swart