• To document the Arachnida diversity of Africa
  • To make available information on each Arachnid containing information such as: descriptions, behaviour, distribution, conservation status, photogalleries, check lists, economic importance through a web-based expert system
  • To develop biodiversity derived products and services
  • To access information available from other databases
  • To preserve and expand biological Arachnida collections held in museums in Africa
  • To support sustainable biodiversity resource management of arachnids in Africa
  • Act as a consulting agency to market the skills of the specialists
  • To educate society on the significance of Arachnida and their use in a sustainable manner
  • To motivate and assist with scientific research on the Arachnida biodiversity in Africa


AFRAD: Detailed information on all the SPIDER AND SCORPION FAMILIES, GENERA AND SPECIES of the Afrotropical Region, with keys to subfamilies, genera and species (if available) and information on their behaviour, distribution, research undertaken, list of genera and species now available as a FACT SHEET richly illustrated with drawings and photographs.


Co-ordinators :
A.S. Dippenaar-Schoeman, e-mail: dippenaara
R. Jocqué, e-mail: jocque@africamuseum.be