Considerable interest has recently been generated in the papaya as an agricultural crop. Increasing volumes of fruit are also produced. These trends are due to the improved purchasing power of a large portion of South Africa's population and the greater accessibility of export markets to the producer.

Such an interest in papayas in turn stimulates new research. Improved Hortus Gold and Sunrise Solo selections are developed in the ARC-TSC breeding programmes; orchard management becomes the target of new, improved practises; and greater care is given to post-harvest treatment of fruit to ensure that a better quality product reaches the consumer. Possible export by sea freight is being investigated.

Briefly, there is an increasing need for dissemination of new knowledge which is continuously being generated. Establishment sources of knowledge, such as the ARC-TSC leaflet series becomes outdated and must be replaced.


Editor:  E.A. de Villiers
Price: R144.00

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