​​​​​BeefProd.jpg Livestock has a feedback loop in that it is not only affected by climate change but is also affected by climate change, as it is responsible for 65% of the sectors emissions. This differs according to various production systems i.e. intensive vs extensive, beef vs dairy etc. Improving efficiency is an adap​​tation initiative that can result in decreased emissions. Climate change impacts on the sector can either be direct such as increased temperature or indirect through alterations in the ecosystems, changes in yields, quality of crops etc. At the same time, livestock food chains are major contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.​ This concept will assit to develop long-term strategies such as the planting of drought tolerant crops, alternative fodder production systems, the development of pastoral risk management and decision support systems, breeding for animals and forage cultivars that are more drought tolerance, veld monitoring and management, sustainable drought relief strategies e.g. fodder bank establishment, the importance of water and Climate change.

Managing Heat Stress, CSA Livestock_Beef, J Ngobeni, LP.mp4
Processing Fodder material in Feed, CSA Livestock_Animal Nutrition, M Makololo.mp4