
Cultivar recommendations/ Kultivaraanbevelings 2022/2023​

Maintaining a high level of efficiency is the basis for the financial success of sunflower production. The selection of well-adapted cultivars is a simple and easy way to foster efficiency for which information on the performance of cultivars is needed.

The aim of the sunflower cultivar trials is to generate information from which a sensible selection of cultivars can be made.

The cultivar recommendations in this document stem from such an evaluation, made possible by collaboration between the ARC-GCI and several seed companies with financial support from the Oil, Protein Seed Development Trust.

Download the bilingual ​document in pdf format​

Interactive yield target charts for sunflower - 2020

​Interactive yield target charts for sunflower These charts will enable you to compare selected cultivars against each other.   To use these charts, please click on the chart and use the filter option (right side of chart) to select the cultivars you wish to compare.

Download the intera​ct​ive Excel Charts​

Report: Evaluation of sunflower cultivars, 2021/22 season

Download documen​t in PDF format​