Results of these National Cultivar Trials, carried out by the ARC-GCI, are published by the Institute in the interest of producers, advisory services and the breeding industry. These results may thus be freely used, as long as they are used in a scientifically correct manner, incorporating the whole spectrum of localities and observations. The source of the information should also be awarded the necessary recognition when using these results.
Hierdie meerjarige resultate van die Nasionale Kultivarproewe, wat deur die LNR-IGG uitgevoer is en gepubliseer word, geskied in belang van produsente, adviesdienste en die teeltbedryf. Die resultate mag derhalwe vryelik gebruik word, mits dit wetenskaplik korrek vertolk word. Vrye gebruik van die resultate word ook met 'n verdere voorwaarde toegelaat, naamlik dat die nodige erkenning aan die bron van die inligting verleen word.
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