To order any of this publications, contact Ms. Kefiloe Manthata, Email:

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Common Weeds of Crops and Gardens in Southern AfricaCommon Weeds of Crops and Gardens in Southern Africa
This comprehensive publication only comprises the identification of the different weeds and not the control thereof. It is critically important to identify the weed correctly (even in an early growth stage), before chemical control can be considered. Weeds also play an important role in other disciplines, like entomology and plant pathology, where either insects or fungi, bacteria and viruses may survive, hibernate or reproduce in or on weeds, from where they can infect crops. Detailed photographs and short descriptions, together with the common names of the weeds ensure implementation of cost-effective and sufficient control measures, minimizing the danger of contamination and ensure continuous production, regardless of the scale of farming. ISBN: 978-1-86849-399-9
R 520.00
Groundnuts Always Tops - Grondbone Altyd 'n WennerGroundnuts Always Tops - Grondbone Altyd 'n Wenner
This manual is a revised (2021) introduction to groundnut handbook. ISBN: 1-86849-148 x
R 90.00 Production Guide- Sorghum Produksie Handleiding
Content: morphology, growth and development, growth requirements and adaptation, cultural practices, establishing practices, cultivar choice, fertilization, weed control strategies,  pest control principles, disease control principles, production management guidelines, sorghum marketing, uses and products.  ISBN: 1-86849-125-0
R 90.00 Guide to Successful Soybean Production - Jou Gids tot Suksesvolle Sojaboon Produksie
Content: History and characteristics of the soybean plant; cultivars and adaptation; growth requirements and soil cultivation; soil fertility and fertilisation; cropping practises. ISBN: 1-86849-150-1
R 80.00