This program focuses on the nutrition of:
- Small Ruminants (Sheep
and Goats)
- Large Ruminants (Dairy and Beef Cattle)
- Forage preservation (Silage)
- Game
Nutrition research focuses on:
- Development of conventional and unconventional feeding systems.
- Investigating the effective use of conventional and alternative feed sources (Picture 5).
- Evaluation of feed additives that support efficiency and health.
- Compositional analysis and interpretation of
feed and feedstuff
- Study of nutritional requirements (Picture 4)
- Optimization of feed intake and digestive efficiency.
- Support to feed regulations and policy development.
- Development of rural farmers through research support and infrastructure development (Picture 1 & 2)
- Models of animal nutrition
- Evaluation of silage inoculants to improve nutritional quality of preserved forages
- Preservation of forages
The developed knowledge base is also used for:
- Technology transfer, i.e. presenting at courses,
farmers days, training of students from tertiary institutions, farmers.
Development of manuals, books and leaflets for Department Agriculture
Forestry and Fishery (DAFF), Provincial Department of Agriculture and
farmers (Picture 3)
- Formulating of rations for livestock of farmers
- Mentorship to emerging farmers
- Taking part in industry group and tertiary education meetings (i.e. AFMA, TUT)
- Refereeing of articles for scientific journals
Picture 1 Sales pens in
Kwa Percy
Picture 2 Farmers in

Picture 3. Extension
officers in Vryburg
Picture 4 Investigating
nutrient requirements

Picture 5 Processing of
alternative feed sources (cabbage)