
To conduct research aimed at supporting and developing recommendations on optimal and efficient nutritional strategies for the pig production industry inclusive of both the commercial pig producers and smallholders pig farmers. The unit focuses on optimal nutrition of pigs pivoted on formulation of balanced feed for different pig classes and production stage, in addition cater to varying nutrients needs of indigenous pigs in particular protein requirements.

Research is in alignment with the ARC strategic objectives among others such as:

  • Contribution to Food and Nutrition Securit;

  • Supporting government's development agenda; and

  • Enabling the country to respond and adapt to climate change concerns (water, land, renewable energy, carbon footprint, sustainable and healthy production methods).

Research carried out thus far

Development of feeding strategies for indigenous pig genotypes in order to enhance their performance and pork product quality.

Research that is also in geared towards finding innovative ways to incorporate agricultural by-products (avocado meal, potatohash, maize cobs etc) as feed alternatives for pigs and the adoption of new technology to enhance pig production for smallholder farmers.

Development of innovative strategies to incorporate renewable energy technologies such as biomethane production from pig manure to subsidize energy requirements for heating needs in the farrowing house.

Quarterly Pig Production training courses (accredited and non-accredited options):

  • Introduction to Pig Breeds;
  • Basic Genetic Principles;

  • Breeding programmes;

  • Selection of pigs: Functional Efficiency;

  • Nutritional Aspects;

  • Reproduction in Pigs;

  • Pork the Product;

  • Veterinary Aspects in Pigs;

  • Management of the Farrowing house;

  • Management from Weaning to Marketing;

  • Record Keeping Pig Housing; and

  • Marketing.

Pig Nutrition trial facility

pigEnvironment.jpgGrower pigs in an enriched environment

Dr P Sebothoma (Researcher)


Mr Gogamatsamang (Gagi) Makgothi
(Senior Research Technician)
