
The ECONOMIC ANALYSIS unit facilitates informed decision making by providing research-based strategic advice. It does economic and statistical analyses in providing the ARC and potential clients with advise in conducting research, development and technology dissemination projects, and in determining the impact of these initiatives.

The economic group uses economic and social analytical techniques to provide strategic advice and economic intelligence in determining investment opportunities; describes the forces that drive economic development globally in quarterly Economic Outlook reports and their impacts on the South African agricultural sector; determines the viability of envisaged research or development initiatives and establishes the performance of ongoing or completed interventions through Impact Assessment studies.

Collaboration with Stakeholders

NAMC, HSRC, ABC, University of Pretoria and the Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, in the form of research; evaluation of technologies; development initiatives; hosting and co-supervising post graduate students and interns and seminar participation.



The economic value of dry bean research in South Africa
The economic value of peach and nectarine research in South Africa
The value of investing in biocontrol research
The economic value of vegetable research in South Africa
The impact of Rift Valley Fever and Lumpy Skin Disease on the South African livestock economy
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​Expert Contact Detail: Dr Petronella Chaminuka,
Tel: (0)12 427 9834​

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