
Course O​utline

13 - 17 FEBRUARY 2023
RNA-Seq data analysis

Course will run from 09h00 - 16h00 everyday

Dr. Rian Pierneef (Coordinator) (Senior Researcher: BTP-Core; Bioinformatics)

Module content:

Day ​Content​SoftwareFacilitator

​​Backgro​und; Introduction to RNA-Seq and Linux​.


Rian Pierneef


Linux and big data​.


Rian Pierneef


QC and exploratory analysis​.

BBTools, Linux, Salmon​​

Rian Pierneef

​​4​Differential expression analysis.

R, DESeq2Rian Pierneef
​5~ Genes and Pathway analysis

~ ​Case study presentation (20-30 Minutes)

​RRian Pierneef

NOTE:   Cost also includes access to computer during training & Tea/coffee and a light lunch but excludes transport and accommodation.

Proof of payment or commitment to pay (i.e., Purchase Order) must be provided before date of training.

For enquiries on the programme, registration and payment details, 
email Dr Adeola Rotimi at RotimiA@arc.agric.za

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