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Are you an internal client of the ARC ie. Are you an ARC employee (1=Yes and 2=No)
Are you a client who has a formal collaboration with the ARC (1=Yes and 2=No)
Are you a client from an academic research institution (1=Yes and 2=No)
Are you a client who is a member of the ACGT organization (1=Yes and 2=No)
Are you are a client from a privately owned business (1=Yes and 2=No)
Please tick the year
2015 2016
Which year did you start using the sequencing services provided at the ARC-BTP
Current rating of service at the BTP high throughput sequencing facility
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The sequencing facility has modern equipment
The physical facilities are appealing
The employees are well dressed and appear neat
The physical environment of the sequencing facility is clean
The sequencing facility delivers services on time
When a client has a problem, the staff show a sincere interest in solving the problem
The sequencing facility performs the service right the first time
The sequencing facility keep their records accurately
Employees make information easily assessable for the clients
Employees give prompt responses to clients
Employees are always willing to help clients
Employees are never too busy to respond to client request
The behavior of employees instill confidence in customers
Clients feel safe to transact with the sequencing facility employees
The employees are polite
The employees at the sequencing facility have the knowledge to answer the customers’ requests
The sequencing facility employees give customers individual attention
The operating hours of ARC-BTP are convenient for all clients
Employees give customers personal service
The employees have the clients best interest at heart
Employees understand the specific needs of the clients
Expected rating of service at the BTP high throughput sequencing facility
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The sequencing facility has modern equipment
The physical facilities are appealing
The employees are well dressed and appear neat
The physical environment of the sequencing facility is clean
The sequencing facility delivers services on time
When a client has a problem, the staff show a sincere interest in solving the problem
The sequencing facility performs the service right the first time
The sequencing facility keep their records accurately
Employees make information easily assessable for the clients
Employees give prompt responses to clients
Employees are always willing to help clients
Employees are never too busy to respond to client request
The behavior of employees instill confidence in customers
Clients feel safe to transact with the sequencing facility employees
The employees are polite
The employees at the sequencing facility have the knowledge to answer the customers’ requests
The sequencing facility employees give customers individual attention
The operating hours of ARC-BTP are convenient for all clients
Employees give customers personal service
The employees have the clients best interest at heart
Employees understand the specific needs of the clients
Please rate the following statements
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The cost of high throughput sequencing at the ARC-BTP influences your choice of using the ARC-BTP as a sequencing service provider
The slow sequencing turn around times experienced at the ARC-BTP influences your choice of using the ARC-BTP as a sequencing service provider
The reduction in research grants influences your ability to use the sequencing services offered at the ARC-BTP
The lack of bioinformatic support influences your choice of using the ARC-BTP as a sequencing service provider
Further comments
Created at 11/13/2017 7:20 PM by ***
Last modified at 11/13/2017 7:20 PM by ***