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Core activities
Animal ProductionBeef Cattle ImprovementBeef Cattle

* Performance information, breeding values &
  value added management information. 627 9052Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionDairy Cattle ImprovementDairy Cattle

* Performance information, breeding values &
  value added management information. 809 3516Stellenbosch
Animal ProductionPublic Relations OfficerEnquiries

​Public Relations

Uorffer@arc.agric.za012 6729391Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionAquacultureFisheries

* Project planning, management & implementation
  of community mobilization;
* Identify and evaluate opportunities in liaison with local
  government and community structures. 672 9316Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionMeat Science and TechnologyFood and beverage products

​ Sensory analyses & food composition;
   - compilation of food composition tables.

MunhuweyiK@arc.agric.za012 6729212Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionFood Science and TechnologyFood/Feed

ARC Irene Analytical Services
Product analysis & chemical and microbiological analysis
ARC Elsenburg - Eastern and Western Cape
* Chemical and microbiological analysis;
* Compositional analysis of milk;
Sensory laboratory 
* Sensory evaluation;
* Quantitative Descriptive Analysis;
* Consumer sensory evaluation;
* Shelf live stability tests;
* Comparative product analysis;
* Statistical interpretation of results & consultations

MatandabuzoM@arc.agric.za012 672-9203Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionPlanted PasturesForage

* Forage production and management;
* Forage plant breeding and evaluation;
* Screening and maintenance of National Forage Genebank. 672 9314Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionAnimal BreedingLivestock

* Operation models for national and genetic evaluation
  systems of livestock;
* Reproduction, growth & carcass traits;
* Applying animal breeding to animal production systems;
* Routine estimation of breeding values. 672 9282Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionAnimal Genetics/GenomicsLivestock

* DNA profiling for parentage analysis;
* Animal forensics;
* Testing for genetic defects & advantageous genetic characteristics;
* Genetic structure and diversity of livestock & game;
* Identification of useful genes in livestock. 672 9218Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionAnimal Genetics/GenomicsLivestock

*Cryo-preservation technology;
* Computer Aided Sperm Analysis(CASA) system;
* In-situ and ex-situ conservation of genetic resources;
* In vitro and in vivo embryo production, multiple
  ovulation, embryo transfer and splitting;
* Oogenesis, spermatogenesis, nuclear transfer
  and intracytoplasmic sperm injection;
* Genetic characterization of indigenous livestock and poultry. 672 9282Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionMeat Science and TechnologyMeat Quality

* Meat Production and Slaughter Technology processes;
* Biochemistry
   - biological processes and mechanisms;
   - meat tenderness, texture, colour & moisture characteristics.
* Food safety and Product evaluation
   - food quality, shelf life, nutritional value & acceptability;
   - chemical, nutrient compositional & micro-biological analyses. 672 9296Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionMeat Science and TechnologyMeat Quality

Meat Technology
  - processed meat product yield and quality;
  - development on products.

MoholisaE1@arc.agric.za012 6729324Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionMeat Science and TechnologyMicrobiology

​* Gastro-intestinal microbiology and bio-technology
   - development of additives and supplement.​

SLanga@arc.agric.za012 6729021Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionRangeland ecology/managementRangelands

Rangeland Ecology
  * Ecology of Biomes
  * Savanna Ecosystem dynamics
  * Climate change & Ecosystem services
  * Sustainable utilization of game ranches & protected areas
Rangeland management, monitoring & restoring 672 9314Irene, Pretoria
Animal ProductionAnimal NutritionRuminants

* Conventional and unconventional feeding systems;
* Evaluation of feed additives that support efficiency and health;
* Nutritional requirements;
* Optimization of feed intake & digestive efficiency;
* Evaluation of silage inoculants;
* Preservation of forages. 672 9300Irene, Pretoria