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CSA Course Evaluation

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How satisfied are you personally with your learning in the topic "RECAP ON CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE TRAINING". Use a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).

  Very dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
CSA Learning objectives; Climate change; Climate Smart Agriculture; CSA techniques & CSA training assessment. 

How confident are you in your ability to apply your learning (concepts and methods) in the future regarding "RECAP ON CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE TRAINING? Use a scale from 1 (not confident at all) to 5 (very confident).

  Not confident at all Confident Very confident
CSA Learning objectives; Climate change; Climate Smart Agriculture; CSA techniques & CSA training assessment. 

How satisfied are you personally with your learning in the topic "CLIMATE SMART AQUAPONICS". Use a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).

  Very dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied
* Global population and food demand. 
* Understanding how Aquaponics function. 
* Impact of climate change and fish diseases. 
* Aquaponic components: Plants and bacteria in aquaponics and water quality. 
* Aquaponic components: Fish in aquaponics; Fish Biology and nutrition & Economics of aquaponics. 
* Troubleshooting management; Legal requirements; Record keeping, transport and marketing. 
* Aquaponics Design: Practical work: Aquaponics System design & Construction of aquaponics system. 

How confident are you in your ability to apply your learning (concepts and methods) in the future regarding CLIMATE SMART AQUAPONICS? Use a scale from 1 (not confident at all) to 5 (very confident).

  Not confident at all Confident Very confiden
* Global population and food demand. 
* Understanding how Aquaponics function. 
* Impact of climate change and fish diseases. 
* Aquaponic components: Plants and bacteria in aquaponics and water quality. 
* Aquaponic components: Fish in aquaponics; Fish Biology and nutrition & Economics of aquaponics. 
* Troubleshooting management; Legal requirements; Record keeping, transport and marketing. 
* Aquaponics Design: Practical work: Aquaponics System design & Construction of aquaponics system. 

How satisfied are you personally with your learning in the topic "CSA GROUP WORK". Use a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).

  Very dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied
Design peer review presentations: Pipe grow bed; Deep water culture & Gravel bed. 

How confident are you in your ability to apply your learning (concepts and methods) in the future regarding "GROUP WORK" done? Use a scale from 1 (not confident at all) to 5 (very confident).

  Not confident at all confident Very confident
Design peer review presentations: Pipe grow bed; Deep water culture & Gravel bed. 

Which aspect did you enjoy the most (mention the topic/aspect and motivate why below)

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Which aspect did you enjoy the least and why (mention the topic/aspect and motivate below)

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What changes would you recommend in this course in the future (list the proposed change and motivate below)

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Other comments

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Competence of the resource persons facilitate learning? (please tick where 1= Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Satisfactory, 4=Sufficient and 5= Insufficient)

  Excellent Satisfactory Insufficient
Dr JJ Anderson 
Dr MS Thaela-Chimuka 
Dr MP Wepener 
Mr. TK Ngoepe 
Ms. A Mabona 

Competence of the resource persons regarding Subject-matter knowledge? (please tick where 1= Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Satisfactory, 4=Sufficient and 5= Insufficient)

  Excellent Satisfactory Insufficient
Dr JJ Anderson 
Dr MS Thaela-Chimuka 
Dr MP Wepener 
Mr. TK Ngoepe 
Ms. A Mabona 
Created at 5/8/2023 4:43 PM by  
Last modified at 5/8/2023 4:43 PM by